
Agent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan Calculator Agent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan Calculator


Agent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan CalculatorMortgage-Calculator-Pro; Mortgage-Calculator-Lite; Agent Branded App, Office Branded App Agent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan CalculatorMortgage-Calculator-Pro; Mortgage-Calculator-Lite; Agent Branded App, Office Branded App
Agent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan CalculatorAgent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan Calculator Agent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan CalculatorAgent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan Calculator
Agent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan CalculatorAgent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan Calculator Agent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan CalculatorAgent Branded App, Loan Officer Branded App, Mortgage Loan Calculator
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Tip Calculator-Tip-Calc$-Jayesh Khatri

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The Best Calculator for Realtors and Loan Officers

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Tip1Tip Calculator

Tip Calculator by EZ-Calcs has now developed an easier and intuitive tips calculator keeping in mind all users. Just enter 3 numbers: # of people, check amount and percentage. And it works out your desired per person amount and total amount to the server. Decide whether you want to round up or down the final number. Also gives you the option of sliding the percentage bar. There is no “Calculate” button. It automatically calculates as you type your numbers.


  • Only 3 numbers to enter
  • See results as you type your numbers
  • Percentage slider also available
  • Allows you to decide whether you want to round up or round down your tip
  • Indicates as to how much you should collect from each person


Tip Calculator by EZ-Calcs has now developed an easier and intuitive tips calculator keeping in mind all users. Just enter 3 numbers: # of people, check amount and percentage. And it works out your desired per person amount and total amount to the server. Decide whether you want to round up or down the final number. Also gives you the option of sliding the percentage bar. There is no “Calculate” button. It automatically calculates as you type your numbers.


  • Only 3 numbers to enter
  • See results as you type your numbers
  • Percentage slider also available
  • Allows you to decide whether you want to round up or round down your tip
  • Indicates as to how much you should collect from each person


Tip Calculator by EZ-Calcs has now developed an easier and intuitive tips calculator keeping in mind all users. Just enter 3 numbers: # of people, check amount and percentage. And it works out your desired per person amount and total amount to the server. Decide whether you want to round up or down the final number. Also gives you the option of sliding the percentage bar. There is no “Calculate” button. It automatically calculates as you type your numbers.


  • Only 3 numbers to enter
  • See results as you type your numbers
  • Percentage slider also available
  • Allows you to decide whether you want to round up or round down your tip
  • Indicates as to how much you should collect from each person